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Declutter 2019 Challenge Printable

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30-day declutter challenge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 empty one junk drawer purge your clothes closet. Some other great examples of free decluttering programs are The Minimalism Game, 40 bags in 40 days, and Nourishing Minimalism's Yearly Decluttering Challenge. Reply The Success Formula for Decluttering - Nourishing Minimalism on at 6:41 PM. 30 Day DeCluttering Challenge & Printable I have to admit that as a 'blogger' or whatever they want to call it these days, it can be very overwhelming with the about of 'stuff' that shows up at my doorstep so I wanted to put together this 30 day decluttering challenge and I want YOU to join me.

In 2011 I announced I'd be decluttering during the 40 days of Lent. It was way before Konmari, before instagram, and before the recent minimalism or simplifying movements. No one talked about their messes!! I felt like I was the only one struggling with feeling like I had too much stuff.

Macsome spotify downloader 1 0 0 download. I was blown away by the response. People messaged and commented to say I wasn't alone, that they felt the same way yet didn't know how to get out from under their messes. That year I hosted the 40 Bags in 40 Days™ Decluttering Challenge as a way to connect with and support other people looking to live with less.

What is the 40 Bags in 40 Days Decluttering Challenge?

It is a forty day period (coinciding with the 40 days of Lent) where you go through your home and declutter one area a day. The 2020 40 Bags in 40 Days™ Challenge starts Feb 26th and goes to April 11th. Since I started hosting the group challenge in 2011, millions of people have learned about #40Bagsin40Days and countless participants have changed their life, created more manageable homes, and refocused their outlook.

Declutter 2019 Challenge Printable Template

There are several ways to complete the challenge:

1.) Daily Email Course

Doing 40 BAGS IN 40 DAYS™ on your own and self-motivating yourself with the options below will always be free.

If you'd like support from me personally, with daily reminders and in-depth, room-by-room tips, you can sign up for the e-course here.

I created this for people who requested a more in-depth option to make sure they complete the challenge. People who had tried the challenge in the past reported much greater success completing it with the e-course.

2.) Printable Progress Tracker:

The free progress tracker will help you plan and keep track of your progress. You'll also be sent a link to a list of areas in your home to declutter, as well as a list of non-stuff things to simplify. When you decluttering, it may look worse before it gets better. Writing things down will help you to see your progress and motivate you to keep going!

3.) Other support options:

  • Like our facebook page for inspiration on simplifying your life, tackling your clutter, and more. We'll also host facebook lives with tips on decluttering throughout the challenge.
  • Follow on Instagram to see daily progress in my stories, and use the #40bagsin40days hashtag.
  • Join the 40 Bags in 40 Days™ Facebook community; we have 82,000+ members and growing. Be sure to answer the required questions.
  • We also offer a more personal, exclusive group with enrollment in the e-course. We'll do daily check-ins and weekly live video chats. This is the best way to ensure you complete the challenge, use the money you're saving not buying extra clutter!
  • Go through each day of your plan and get rid of stuff. It's really as easy as that!

4.) Tell everyone you know!

Share this link on facebook, instagram, or talk about 40 Bags in 40 Days™ with friends. I want everyone I know to join us. I want everyone you know to join us. I want to change our lives, see your progress. Big or small, embarrassing or beautiful. I want to help you become a better version of yourself. Because you know what?

  1. Your home should not make you feel overwhelmed or stressed.
  2. You likely have (or buy) excess stuff you don't need.
  3. The stuff won't make you happier.
  4. You do not need to be embarrassed.
  5. You are not alone in this!
  6. You can do this.

Everyone has messes. The trick is to edit our home and life. Get rid of the excess noise begging us to pick up after it. Remove the clutter so everyday messes are manageable!

Free Printable Declutter Task Lists

I want your home to be a place where you are surrounded with only the things and people you love. Windows xp audio recording software. You shouldn't feel controlled by the paper clutter, the craft supplies from projects never carried out, the furniture Great Aunt Sally passed down to you, nor clothes telling you what size you used to be.

We are all here for you and want to see you succeed. So hot slot machine online. We want to free you from the unnecessary stuff in your life keeping you from being happy.

This post may contain affiliate links. Read our disclosure here.

Is there a spot wish you could keep hidden, because it's so full of stuff you don't know what to do with? Maybe it's a particular closet, cupboard or drawer, a guest room or corner of your basement?

This week you can join in a FREE Declutter Your Scariest Space Challenge. Cisdem pdfmanagerultimate 3 2 0 3.

Join this free challenge and get:

    • a 20-minute video where you'll learn the smartest, fastest way to clean up a cluttered space
    • printable worksheets to walk you through the challenge step-by-step
    • 2 questions that can help you decide what to keep and what to get rid of
    • How to find the perfect home for every item you hang on to
    • What to do with unwanted items you feel guilty throwing away
    • How to know when to wrap up and feel great about what you've accomplished

30 Day Declutter Calendar Challenge

This challenge will give you the tools to whip your scariest space into shape!

30 Declutter Printable Free

Register for the Declutter Your Scariest Space Challenge right here:

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